Sunday, June 15, 2014

Day 7 (Morning)

Hello everyone!

I actually have time to blog in the morning, yay! Today is going to be packed because it's our last day in London and I am very upset. However, I did not blog yesterday because we were out for the entire day and returned around eleven thirty. Yesterday we woke up at eleven thirty, even though we were planning on attending services. However, my mom found a synagogue that began a little later in the day, so we managed to attend that one. Afterwards, we walked around London and ate a quick snack in Starbucks before walking to Charing Cross and buying last minute tickets for the Commitments, but first we ate dinner at this amazing restaurant there called Noodle House. So far Spaghetti House and Noodle House have become my favorite Italian and Chinese food restaurants. The Commitments was amazing! It's about a group of people who form a band and are trying to get by in Ireland. The movie has a different plot, though, just warning you. That about sums up yesterday.

I'm not 100% sure about today's details, so I'll update later.

See ya!
Aviva :)

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