Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 10 (Morning)

Hello everyone!

So update from yesterday: the class went very well, though waking up early did make it difficult to pay attention. All the doctors that taught the class really knew what they were doing there. Afterwards they served a delicious lunch, then one of the employees drove me back to the hotel where I was able to hang out and relax. When my mom got home from teaching the class to a second group, we went swimming, then I watched YouTube and ate cookies while she exercised. Afterwards, we went to a nice sushi dinner and fell asleep (I went to sleep a little later because I was on Hulu). 

Today is going to be super fun! I'm in the cab on the way to Universal Studios! I've never been before, but this is where Harry potter world is, so yay!! I'll probably  post pictures later. Details later. 

See ya!
Aviva :)

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